This is the website of Glenda Such, feel free to write
an email to me by using this You may
also feel free to copy the following link to this website to
share with others who might find it of interest
Because this Website is updated frequently with additional
topics and information, please refresh with Control F5 for
Windows or reload if on the Apple Platform to be sure the most
recent version of this website is displayed. The last update to this site was made on
March 16, 2025.
This website is continuously
expanding its subjects and topics. A few examples are : assistive technology, smart
phones with their virtual assistants, including Apple's Siri and Samsung's
Bixby, using screen readers such as JAWS and the free
programs such as NVDA and voice over , using Zoom Conferencing with a visual
impairment, exploring Mindfulness and Acupressure, simulations of various types of low vision,
a wide range of resources, information, and things to know
when someone has low vision or are blind, Where to purchase products which might be helpful for those with a
slight vision reduction or a total vision loss. Along with those subject
areas are pages on audio described movies, exercises which are audio
described, Mindfulness Practices, Acupressure, sounds of nature, trivia
facts, Emojis useable for both Windows and the Apple platforms, information
about the workings of the human brain, the ADA and
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and a link to Low Vision Now's page. As stated before, there are new subject areas
added frequently to this website and upon returning to this site, it is
important to refresh or re-download this website to make sure the most
current version is being viewed.
All Photos on this page
are ones I have taken as a nature photographer. I used a hand held telescope
to see the details and then used my 35mm camera to do the rest. I had low
vision when each of the photos were shot. I hope you enjoy them as much as I
have over the years.

Now see the links below
to learn all which can be found on this website.
iphone: using , customizing, Get useful
tips, and repairing/replacing components of both iPhones and iPads
Voice Over: Apple's Built-in Speech Output To
Use All iPhones/iPads And Many Apps Without Using Eyesight

Siri, Learn To Use It to its Fullest Capacity.
Samsung Users, Do You Have Bixby
Turned On? Do You Know It Does What Siri And Alexa Does? Learn
What It Can Do and how To Set It Up.
and Meditation Practices, UPDATED RECENTLY, see What has been
added to help you to Be in the Present, Have Less Stress,
Be Kind To Yourself And Your Body, and to help increase your
overall mindset for the issues of life.
Audio Described Movies, learn the
way to know what is happening on the movie screen when someone can't
see , and learn where to find such movies.

Get ready to hear the audio Described version of the movie Mrs.
Doubtfire with Robin Williams and Sally Fields when you click on
this link. But, don't expect to see anything, it is all about
hearing and not seeing.
Watch Videos Simulating How People With Some of the
Different Forms of Low Vision See their Environments.
Acupressure, want to find where you can press your fingers
on your body to relieve Headaches, back, neck and other pains,
as well as reduce anxiety, and boost your immune system?
Click now to check it out.
Low Vision Now,
(Formerly DVCCLV),
enter or click here to learn about this group who focuses on issues faced by
people who have or have had low vision. Listen to a sample of their meetings,
learn about their purpose, and learn how to join even if not in the Delaware
Valley, USA.
Exercise Workouts, Chair Yoga, Cardio Workouts, and
More Which Are All Fully Audio Described.
you have low vision? What you should know, what you can do, how to maximize
the vision you still have, benefits you might receive, resources which might
be of help, research being done, organizations you should know about, how to
do things such as cutting food, cooking, walking outside safely, knowing denominations of
money, finding large print or talking devices to tell time, use a cell
phone, read your mail, clean your home, and much more.
All about
the Brain, how it Works,
Memories, and more.

Nature Videos: Real Life Sounds and Videos of The
Ocean, Birds, Forests,

Check out Apps For iPhone/iPad Reviewed by Glenda
Such, a Visually Impaired User, and See the Tips for Their Best Use with
Voice Over.
Talking, Large Print and Braille watches, Color
detectors, Electronics, See who Sells Them and So Much more.
Financial Resources, benefits, grants, other
forms of Financial Help from various Sources for various needs
Learn how to Live Life More Independently With Low or
No Vision by Checking out the How To Videos For Lots of Daily Living Area

Sleep Apnea, What It IS, How It IS Diagnosed, Sleep Studies, Treatments,
Types of CPAP Machines and more.
Androids: Accessibility for
the visually Impaired
JAWS Screen Reading Program
for Windows, see the Reference sheets, and Links to Webinars by Freedom
NVDA Free Screen Reading Program for Windows, Learn How to Get It, Use
It, and How to improve it.
Visual System, How It
Works, Floaters, Problems Seeing Colors, and when In Glare or Darkness.
Hearing system, How It
Works, Tinnitus, Loss Of Hearing High or Low Frequencies, Tools to Use
and More.
NOTE: There is an alphabetized
list of all the pages on this site provided below. Each have longer
descriptions of each of the topics of those pages. But, first check
out the next items:
IMPORTANT CHALLENGE FOR ALL: click on this link to
listen to a short sample of audio description of The highly visual
Wizard of Oz movie. Hear how many people who cannot fully see
enjoy movies a little easier. Afterwards, click on the link on audio
description to learn more about the topic, where to find more
movies, and more.
Points you can do yourself for everything from boosting your Immune
System, to relieving pain, to reducing stress, to helping you sleep.

with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, overviews, how
it Impacts Students Entering Post-Secondary Institutions, How it Effects
Employment Opportunities, What Cases has the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission Had on Issues Relating to Blindness or Low
Vision, What are the Legal Questions being asked by Employers about
Hiring or Retaining Someone with a Visual Impairment and What Legal
Answers are They Getting, What Resources are Available for People with
Visual Impairments for their Legal Rights under the ADA and the Rehab
Act of 1973. Those are just a few of the Topics you will find if you
click or enter on this link.
Smart Phones for the Visually Impaired or Blind. A list of ways to make
an Android Cell Phone more accessible, talk the text on the screen, make
print more visible, turn the phone into a scanner, magnifier, be a way
to maintain a calendar of appointments, read the denominations of paper
currency and so much more. Click on this link to see what I have found.
While I am not an authority on Androids, I have tapped resources and
people who use Androids and are in the field of Assistive Technology.

which I have found interesting for anyone to use, and are also
accessible for someone using voice over. The apps cover a wide variety
of uses which are too long to cover here. I provide my opinion of the
app and a very basic review of how it works and a link to the app on the
Apple app store. Click on this link to find out which apps I recommend.
Audio Description, before I
say anything else, this page contains direct links to the actual movie
sound tracks with audio description for over 230 movies. Check some of
them out and you will find the quality to be excellent. If you have full
vision, try experiencing movies the way people with low or no vision
might enjoy a movie. Now, beyond all the 260 plus movies, there is an
explanation of what audio description is, how it started, what audio
described movies are in the cinemas and on TV, and so much more is at
your disposal if you click on this link.

Brain and its parts, how it
Works Including Memory Storage and body memory, how thoughts are made,
and the Sympathetic and parasympathetic Nervous System, as well as
Information on a few other Body Systems such as the Respiratory,
Nervous, and the blood vessel system. Click on this link to learn
all about the Brain and the other systems.
Do You Know Why Something
is called a Certain Name? Do you Know some Things Have Names When You
Never Knew They Did? Are you using Things the Correct Way they Were Made
to be used or Eaten? Do you Know What Myths are untrue? Click or enter
on this link and have fun with the trivial bits and pieces of life. This
is my page to find out if you know about the little things in life which
might be a bewilderment, or, we might be doing something not in the way
it was intended. I have compiled a page of videos which go over these
items. Click or enter on this link to learn all about these things. I
hope you enjoy them as much as I did in finding them for this page.

Ear and the Hearing System, its parts, how we hear
certain sounds. Click on this link to learn more about the way people
Emojis That Work on Windows
and Apple/Mac Platform with their full meanings and can be cut and
pasted from this site for your use. Click on this link to
learn of and paste the right expression to your messages.
Resources for Job Seekers. A Huge List of Job Search Engines and Job
Boards Specific to Various Fields and Professions, From Technology, to
the Health Industry, to the Non-Profit Environment, to the Wide Range of
the Arts, to the Restaurant Field, to Jobs in the Government, and on and
on. Click on this link to see the page which is extremely long and your
Interest May be Many Pages Down from the Start. The list Overall is Over
12 Pages Long.

Exercise through stretches,
Chair Yoga, Gentle Workout Sets, and Much More to come for people to
participate in those activities whether you have vision or not. Click on
this link to find a growing number of audio MP3 files created by Blind
Alive and posted with their permission on Such A Site.

Eye and the Visual System,
the parts and how they Function, also How do we have depth perception
and what does the eye have to do with seeing Color? Click on this link
to get the answers to that question and more.
Face book Keyboard Shortcuts which can be used by anyone including those
using a screen reader. Click on this link to see the document copied
from Face book's Help Section.
Financial resources list
for assistance with eye care the costs of medications by patient
assistance programs through drug manufacturers, and assistance with
finding resources to aid in affording a service animal. Click on
this link to see if there is anything for you or someone you know.

Funny or Interesting
Responses From Siri can be heard by asking the right questions. Click on
this link to go to the page I have created myself to make this happen.,
I have given the exact phrasing of questions or statements one can give
to your Siri feature of your Apple Device. Then you can hear how
the Apple programmers have an interesting sense of humor when you hear
Siri's responses.
International Organizations, Services, Agencies, and Offerings for
People who are Visually Impaired or Blind. The links on the page you
will go to by clicking or entering on this link will provide you with
the names and contact information for reaching out to them for
information or services. The countries included are extensive thanks to
several sources I tapped into for this growing new part of my site.

Increasing the Size of Print Which is Displayed on a Windows
Computer. By clicking on this Link, You Will Learn of The Various Built
In and Software Remedies To Make the Print on A Windows Computer Larger
and Enhanced for Someone with Low Vision.
iPhone and a little iPad. This includes user's guides for phone 6s
through the iphone 12. Also, there are instructions to
be able to make changes in some of the phone settings, such as the Siri
voice, new mail and new text tones, battery draining components, how to
create text replacements, customizing your phone, and more. There is an
audio lesson by me on how to dictate using Siri and proper punctuation.
Click on this link to see all that is on the page for phone users. For
those wanting information about Voice Over, see the Voice Over link at
the bottom of this page that lists all the links on my site.

JAWS, (Job Access with
Speech) Screen Reading Program, with links to reference sheets, You Tube
Videos, and many Webinars by Freedom Scientific on using JAWS with a
wide variety of programs as well as how to work with Amazon and Target.
Click on this link to learn more about JAWS.
Keyboards with phone and iPod, includes an audio recording describing
the key layouts and some of their basic functions, a video which gives a
full list of the Keystroke Commands with the Bluetooth keyboard on the
phone and iPod for navigation, editing, mailing, surfing the web and
more. Click on this link to find out more about this topic.

Vision, Visually Impaired, and Blindness related medical Information,
Resources, Agencies, Organizations, Services, Research, Vision
Simulations, Sports Organizations, Rehabilitation Techniques, Benefit
Finders, Discounts, and more. Click or enter on this link to find all of
those items
Nature Sound Videos which were compiled from ones posted on You Tube,
including ones of birds, rain, the ocean, Summer night sounds, early
morning sounds, and much more. Click on this link to listen and find out
if any help you to
relax, sleep, or just take a nice break
Mindfulness Guided
Meditation with explanations' of its beginning and purpose.
There are many recordings to help you as they guide you through the
process of body awareness, awareness of breath, anxiety relief, self
appreciation, and ones that assist in helping you sleep. The recordings
vary with some having a Single Voice, others with A Voice
with Music and yet others with the Sounds of Nature. Click on this link
to explore and experience the benefits of the recordings and
NVDA, a Free Screen
Reading Program, this page covers everything from Downloading the
program Link, through the User’s Manual to the Instructional Videos on
using NVDA created by the American Foundation for the Blind. Click
on this link to learn about this free program.
for People Whose Vision Cannot be Corrected by Conventional Glasses. A
page which lays out the various actions a person can take to have full
visual rehabilitation Services, Information, Resources, and Coping tools
for the stresses of having a visual impairment or low vision.

Siri Commands and Capabilities. A complete list of
all the things Siri can do to let you be more informed, on time,
communicative, as well as amused. Click on this link to see the page
which is linked to documents I created
Sleep Apnea, if you or someone you know snores then you want to click or
enter on this link to learn how danger of a serious health problem might
be knocking at your door. The page has information from its definition,
causes, symptoms, ways to learn if you have it, diagnosis process,
treatments, the history of the CPAP, all about how it works, newer
versions of the CPAP, Tips from the FDA on the CPAP, How to sleep with
it on, and alternatives to treating and managing sleep apnea other than
using a CPAP type of device.

Stargardt's Eye Disease, Information from
Diagnosis to research to potential future treatments. Click on
this link to learn more about this rare eye disease.
Trivia Facts About Everything from Why Things Have
the Names They Have,
What Things Are Called When You Never Thought They
Had a Name, Myths That Just Are Not True, Things the Body Can do Which
You Might Not know, and so much more information are All on This page
which is the same as the one listed earlier on my site. It is replicated
here under Trivia for Those Who Would Look for it Using That Word. If
you click or enter on this Link, you will go to that same page which is
filled with many, many trivial pieces of information.

Vendors, a comprehensive
list of those who Sell products which Might Be Helpful for People who
have low vision, are visually impaired, or are functionally or totally
Blind. This includes vendors selling Assistive Technology, Canes,
Talking Products, Large Print Products and much more. Click on
this link to explore what is available through these vendors.
Voice Over on the phone and iPod. This will take you to a page of many
instructional videos and lessons specifically designed for helping users
with the Voice Over program. This will include many videos by the Hadley
Institute and also other instructors on using Voice Over with various
apps on the phone and iPod. It also will provide instruction on using
Voice Over itself. This page will always be growing not only with
additional videos but with lessons I will create or provide that other
instructors have created. Click on this link to find all those items.
Supplemental learning page
Pictures by Glenda Such Enlarged