Using Bluetooth Keyboards with iPhone or iPad on SUCH A SITE


        This page will focus on the use of Bluetooth keyboards with the iPhone and iPad. There is an audio description which I recorded on the exact location and identification of keys on the Logitech Bluetooth 380 keyboard. I provide where keys are located and  very basic description of what some of the keys can do. There is also information on what keystrokes to use to do what functions on any Bluetooth keyboard on the iPhone or iPad.


Audio description of keyboard layout  for Logitech Model 380 created by Glenda Such, if you are using a computer, after you are done listening to this, and want to go back to my webpage, you will have to use alt and F4 to close the program that played this recording.



Voice Over with Bluetooth Keyboard You Tube Video


Keyboard Shortcuts for Any Bluetooth Keyboard With Either iPhone or iPad, a Complete List Is Provided on the Webpage you Will Go To When You Click or Enter on This Link.