Siri and  Email Capabilities on Such A Site

  1. Hey Siri Send new email to Steve, then Siri will ask you for the subject and once you provide it, Siri will ask you what you want to say. Once you are done, Siri will ask you if you want to send it and you can say yes, or add, or cancel.
  2. Hey Siri Send email to Jack and Jill and tell them I will be at the house at the beach all weekend. If they want to come just bring the suntan lotion.
  3. Hey Siri Email mom about the trip.
  4. Hey Siri Send email to
  5. Hey Siri Send new email to Joe Jones, Susan Smith, and my Mother, then you can wait for Siri to ask you for the subject. When done, Siri will ask you what you want to say. When done, Siri will ask you if you are ready to send it. If you are, say yes, if not and you want to add more, say the word Add when Siri asks that question. Again, do not say No.


Part B: Checking email:

Siri can help you with checking email if you say:

  1. Hey Siri check for new email.
  2. Hey Siri check for new email from Jill.
  3. Hey Siri check for emails received in last two days.
  4. Hey Siri find emails with a specific topic in them and Siri will list the ones Siri finds.
  5. Hey Siri Show the email from John from yesterday.
  6. Hey Siri Show mail from Joe.


Part C Replying to email

               Siri can reply to an email if Siri reads it to you, not if you read it through going into the mail app.


If Siri read an email to you, Siri will ask you if you want to reply. You can say either yes or no. If Yes, then Siri will ask you what you want to say. If Siri cuts you off before you finish what you want to say, when Siri asks you if you are ready to send it DO NOT SAY NO, say ADD and Siri will ask you to say what you want to say. When you have said all you want, Siri will ask again if you are ready to send the email?  Say Yes to Siri if you are ready for it to be sent.